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Burrows Wheeler Transformation

Burrows-Wheeler Transform: Optimize Data Compression


The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) is a data transformation algorithm designed to enhance data compression techniques like bzip2. Developed in 1994 by Michael Burrows and David Wheeler, the BWT effectively permutes the characters of a string into a new string, known as the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWTT).

Motivation: Enhanced DNA Sequencing

The BWT played a crucial role in the analysis of cow genome sequencing. With advancements in sequencing technologies, scientists faced the challenge of handling vast amounts of short reads, which are random substrings of the genome. The BWT provided a solution by enabling the alignment of these reads in a more efficient and accurate manner.

Algorithm Description

The BWT algorithm encompasses two processes: transformation and decoding.


The transformation process converts an input string T into a BWTT string BWTT. This involves sorting all cyclic rotations of T lexicographically and then concatenating the last columns of the sorted rotations.


Decoding a BWTT string involves reversing the transformation process. By iteratively selecting the last character of each column in the sorted rotations and concatenating it, the original string T can be reconstructed.


The Burrows-Wheeler Transform has proven instrumental in data compression and bioinformatics. Its ability to effectively rearrange character sequences enables efficient compression and facilitates the alignment of short DNA reads. The BWT remains a fundamental tool in these fields, showcasing the transformative power of algorithmic innovation in optimizing data processing.
